The Savage Esquire
Learn how fierce female founders leverage licensing to grow their businesses 20X. True stories with a SAVAGE Takeaway!
There would be no NIKE without Deloris Jordan. There, I said it. And I mean it!
Landmark Ruling Empowers Female Artists to Protect Their Work and Demand Fair Compensation
Hulk Hogan's $35MM Lesson on Reclaiming His Name
A Masterclass in Strategic Brand Collaboration and Market Domination
Parallel marketplaces abound for custom tailored weightloss drugs
Cross Promo Lessons from Celebrity Relationships
Was Knocking Off Pet Shop Boys Worth It?
A Game-Changer for Combat Sports
Jimmy...not Warren
Can You Profit from Trump's Mugshot?
Navigate the Legal Landscape of Hip-Hop Sampling
VANS vs. Walmart
Greta Gerwig's Living in a Barbie World